oVirt Blog
In this post I will introduce how simple it is to integrate SAML with oVirt using Keycloak and LDAP user federation.
Prerequisites: I assume you have already setup the 389ds directory server, but the solution is very similar for any other LDAP provider.
As SAML is not integrated into oVirt directly, we use Apache to do the SAML authentication for us. The mod_auth_mellon module nicely covers all needed functionality.
mod_auth_mellon configuration
First we need to configure oVirt’s apache. SSH to the oVirt engine and create a directory where we’ll store all SAML related certificates.
ssh root@engine
yum […]
In 4.2 release we have splitted our oVirt Ansible roles into separate RPM packages and also separate git repositories, so it is possible for user to install specific role either from Ansible Galaxy or as RPM package.
The reason
The reason to split the roles into separate packages and git repositories was mainly the usage from the AWX/Ansible Tower. Since Ansible Galaxy is only integrated with github you need to store your Ansible role in single git repostiory in order to have separate Ansible role in Galaxy. Previously we used one single repository where we have stored […]
In 4.2 release we have introduced a possibility to customize the host-deploy process by running the Ansible post-tasks after the host-deploy process successfully finishes.
The reason
Prior to oVirt 4.2 release administrators could customize host’s firewall rules using engine-config option IPTablesConfigSiteCustom.
Unfortunately writing custom iptables rules into string value to be used in engine-config was very user unfriendly and using engine-config to provide custom
firewalld rules would be even much worse. Because of above we have introduced Ansible integration as a part of host deploy flow, which allows administrators to
add any custom actions executed on the host during host […]
The recent post, An Introduction to Ansible Roles, discussed the new roles that were introduced in the oVirt 4.1.6 release. This follow-up post will explain how to set up and use Ansible roles, using either Ansible Galaxy or oVirt Ansible Roles RPM.
Ansible Galaxy
To make life easier, Ansible Galaxy stores multiple Ansible roles, including oVirt Ansible roles. To install the roles, perform the next steps:
To install roles on your local machine, run the following command:
$ ansible-galaxy install ovirt.ovirt-ansible-roles
This will install your roles into directory /etc/ansible/roles/ovirt.ovirt-ansible-roles/.
By default, Ansible only […]
Python SDK version 4.1.4 introduced support for sending asynchronous requests and HTTP pipelining.
This blog post explains those terms and will show you an example how to use the Python SDK in an asynchronous manner.
Asynchronous Requests
When using asynchronous requests, the client sends the request and defines a method (usually called callback), which should be called after the response is received but the client is not waiting for the response. In order for SDK to work in an asynchronous fashion, we introduced two new features to our SDK: multiple connections and HTTP pipelining.
These […]